Did you know one gallon of Propane costs approximately $3.00 (local average)? One gallon of Propane contains 92,000 Btu’s, which will operate a 30,000 Btu wall heater for a little more than 3 hours. This means the cost to operate a 30,000 Btu wall heater using Propane is around $. 80 per hour.Click to see full answer. Beside this, how much gas does a 30000 BTU use?This means that if you run your heater continuously (30,000 BTUs) you will be consuming propane at a rate of about 1/3 gallon per hour. At 33,000 BTUs, your heater would be right at the1 gallon per hour approximation.Subsequently, question is, how much does it cost to run a propane space heater? For every million BTUs of heat output, a gas heater will cost you $18, propane is around $30, and an electrical heater will cost about $35. These prices can change due to fluctuations in fuel and energy costs, but it is a good indicator of what they cost in relation to each other. Additionally, how many square feet will a 30000 BTU propane heater heat? 30,000 BTU model: Heats up to 1,000 sq.Is it cheaper to heat with propane or electric?Propane is cheaper than electric: According to the U.S. Department of Energy, heating a home in the U.S. with a propane heating system in recent years has cost far less than heating with an electric system. Propane is clean: Propane has long been recognized as the “green” energy.